Introducing our new Decking Product… 140 CX!

There’s a new Decking Product on the Market!

Introducing our brand new 140 CX range of decking by PermaTimber®!

This Decking range has all the pros of our other Decking, only now has an extra layer of coating that our other CX products have, such as our CX Cladding. Still looks like timber, still 1/4 of the price of natural timber, still the same sanded or heavy grain finishes, only this time with a bunch of brand new colours never seen before with our Decking range!

The dimensions are 140mm x 22mm x 5400mm with a Max Residential Span of 450mm and a Max Commercial Span of 400mm.

New colours for this range include: Tasmanian Oak & Spotted Gum!
Only available via custom order, for more information, either visit our Products tab or feel free to contact Perma Composites on:

Phone: 1300 366 938
